Platypus pokemon
Platypus pokemon

platypus pokemon

Upon hearing an upbeat and cheerful rhythm, the cells in Ludicolo's body become very energetic and active. This Pokémon is said to appear when it hears the singing of children on hiking outings. Ludicolo begins dancing as soon as it hears cheerful, festive music. Game data Pokédex entries This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III. In the TCG Main article: Ludicolo (TCG) Other appearances Detective PikachuĪ Ludicolo appeared in Detective Pikachu. Ludicolo's powerful Water-type moves helped the challenger defeat her own Rapidash. Due to the results of the Battle Arcade's roulette, Dahlia swapped teams with Platinum. The Battle Factory rented a Ludicolo, which was stolen by Guile Hideout in Lemme at 'Em, Lapras!.Īt the other Battle Frontier, a Ludicolo appeared alongside Dahlia in Interrupting Ivysaur. It was one of the Pokémon Emerald rented during his Battle Factory challenge, but it was quickly traded for a different Pokémon. She later used her to overpower Flannery's Vulpix using Nature Power.Ī Ludicolo made a cameo appearance in Interesting Interactions Involving Illumise. Ludicolo in Pokémon Adventures Ash & Pikachu Main article: Brock's LudicoloĪqua Admin Shelly evolved her Lombre to a Ludicolo using her Water Stone whilst fighting Sapphire near Rustboro City in Mowing Down Ludicolo. When Ludicolo hears a lively rhythm, the cells in its body become more active. If Ludicolo hears festive music, all its muscles fill with energy. When Ludicolo listens to happy music, its power grows stronger, and it just has to dance. This can also lead it to exert extreme power in battle. Ludicolo becomes extremely active whenever it hears a cheery rhythm. It used Rain Dance to soften the mud and helped pull it free.Ī Ludicolo appeared in the opening sequence of Destiny Deoxys.Ī Ludicolo appeared in Secrets of the Jungle. In Up to Your Neck!, Ash and Goh requested a Ludicolo for its help in freeing a Marshtomp stuck in the ground. In Valuable Experience for All!, it was used in Tierno's battle against Sawyer, but it was defeated by Aegislash. In Good Friends, Great Training!, Tierno was revealed to have caught a Ludicolo to Ash, Serena, and Bonnie.

platypus pokemon

In A Faux Oak Finish!, a wild Ludicolo evolved from a Lombre when Professor Oak gave it a Water Stone.

platypus pokemon

In Like It or Lup It!, a trio of wild Ludicolo became involved in one of Team Rocket's schemes. It battled Ash twice, defeating his Corphish with its defensive skills, and was also the target of one of Team Rocket's schemes.


Ludicolo made its main series debut in Go Go Ludicolo!, under the ownership of Poncho. It kept showing up out of nowhere whenever the Poké-Baton was activated. In Once in a Mawile, Brock's Lombre evolved into a Ludicolo. Ludicolo in the anime Major appearances Brock's Ludicolo Being the result of evolution via Evolution stone, Ludicolo is rarely found in the wild, though they can be found near the water's edge. As it becomes more energetic and active, it will break into a dance. Ludicolo becomes more powerful when it hears festive music and will appear near laughing children on hikes. Ludicolo has large, green hands with two black lines on its palms, and thick green legs with a black circle on the underside of its feet. The female has thinner stripes than the male. Its body is covered with shaggy yellow fur and has several zigzagging brown stripes.


Ludicolo has black eyes surrounded by a patch of green and an orange bill. Growing out of the top of its head is a short brown stem with a yellow spiky upper portion.

platypus pokemon

There is a green, sombrero-like growth on its head that is similar to a lily pad. Ludicolo is a bipedal Pokémon that appears to be a mixture of a pineapple and a duck.

  • 6.6.6 By transfer from another generation.
  • It evolves from Lombre when exposed to a Water Stone. Ludicolo ( Japanese: ルンパッパ Runpappa) is a dual-type Water/ Grass Pokémon introduced in Generation III.
  • Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.

  • Platypus pokemon