A maxillary alginate impression routinely requires
A maxillary alginate impression routinely requires

a maxillary alginate impression routinely requires a maxillary alginate impression routinely requires

In addition, the patients in group B were questioned regarding how they felt after listening to the natural sounds. To assess the psychometric variables, patient's satisfaction levels and opinions regarding their treatment was evaluated by testing the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP). The physiological reaction of each patient within both groups was assessed by measuring the pulse rate /minutes (BPM) and arterial oxygen saturation of haemoglobin (SpO2 %). Group B experienced the natural auditory stimuli whilst undergoing treatment. During final maxillary impression making visit, the patients were split into two equal groups (group A and group B), each group consisted of ten members. Methods: This study included twenty male patients who attended the Prosthodontic clinics at King Abdulaziz University, Faculty of Dentistry (KAUFD) for help with removable dentures. This study considers the importance of the interior design of a dental surgery and the use of natural auditory stimuli to prevent the gagging reflex. Yet the dental environment and the interior design of a dentist's surgery may elicit a number of physiological and psychological responses in patients. Conclusion: Little modification in the impression material can give better results, making patient more comfortable during the impression procedure.īackground: The environment is often overlooked when considering dental treatment. Results: In group A, 21 (52.5%) moderate and 19 (47.5%) severe gag patients and in Group B, 16 (40%) moderate and 24 (60%) severe gag patients didn't show any gag reflex when the lignocaine was mixed with alginate impression material. In group A, one cartridge of lignocaine solution was incorporated and in the group B two cartridges were incorporated in the material. Alginate impressions were made for both of the groups. Methods: Total of 80 patients were selected, and divided into two groups of 40 each. by using lignocaine local anesthetic solution cartridges, which are readily available in the clinics for attainment local anesthesia and block administration. The purpose of this study is to introduce a simpler and a convenient chair side method to manage these patients, i.e. Thus, one of challenging skills during the treatment procedure is the management of the gag reflex. Such patients are difficult to manage by most of the dentists. Background and Objectives: Gag reflex is major problem during dental procedures which further compromises the quality of dental treatment.

A maxillary alginate impression routinely requires